
“At the end of the day most parents want their children to feel worthy, embrace their imperfections , have a deep sense of compassion and love for themselves and have courage, resilience  and a sense of belonging in an ever changing world”

— Julie Greatwood

Why do parents want support ?

The parents I meet often mention a number of challenges that they would like help with in their Parenting journey. These include the following ;-


“My child won’t do what I ask them to do the first time , and I end up shouting“

“Bedtime in our house is a battle ground”

“Getting out of the house to get to school is a nightmare”

“All my children want to do is play on the their screens and I cant get them to turn it off“

“My son will never sit down and do his homework“

“How do I get my child to be more independent“

“My child never listens to what I am saying“

“My child won’t tell me what is going on in his life“

“I am exhausted at the end of the day just trying to sort everyone out“

My parent courses and workshops explore all these behaviours and look at tips and strategies to support parents in their parenting .

Parenting Courses and Workshops


Parenting journey.

I am a qualified parenting coach and can support you on your parenting journey, not only giving you tips and strategies for to deal with the challenges of everyday life , but also to help you change your lens on your parenting journey and really engage with your children

My courses go much further into the role of parenting and how parents can raise  children to be courageous, resilient, happy, optimistic, but more importantly with a real sense of self in an ever changing world.


Workshop & Courses.


Free 30.

Book a 30 minute session with Julie.

Workshops & Courses.

Providing a safe space to explore your parenting.

One to Ones.

Parenting Coaching sessions.


I am a qualified parenting coach and can support you on your parenting journey, not only giving you tips and strategies for to deal with the challenges of everyday life , but also to help you change your lens on your parenting journey and really engage with your children